
Main Street Business Resource Development, Inc 501c3
SME Business Development,
Business Finance & Project Funding Group

Main Street Business Resource Development Corporation is a business and community economic development arm of the Capitol Region Chamber of Commerce  led by Tony Holland that engages the resources of the Gardner Group, the Yankee Group, "Old Horses" and others in support of the chamber’s domestic and international business development program to include human resource, workforce and community economic develop initiatives in the United States, Africa and US Offshore Islands.

The Main Street Business Resource Group works through local and national and international financial partners and institutions in addition to the Chamber’s own affiliates to provide project funding and business support services to members.

Through Main Street Business Resource Group, the Capitol Region Chamber of Commerce seeks to build economically self sustainable communities by empower communities at the grassroots level by supporting the development of local businesses with the management support tools and core capital necessary for profitability and sustained growth.

Main Street Business Resource Group establishes world class global business incubators, provides management consulting, investment management services that build profitable businesses that empower their respective communities.


CRCC's growth capital funds offer a diversified approach to an overlooked but potentially dynamic area of the global economy.  Elements of the Growth Capital strategy include: 

Active Involvement
By taking control if deemed appropriate of significant interest in SMEs, CRCC works closely with company management to develop and execute strategy.  Our vast network of contacts enables us to enhance the professionalism of sales, marketing, and other vital company functions through our network of experienced executives.

Attractive Pricing
CRCC acquires interests whenever possible through direct negotiations.  Recently valuations in the manufacturing and business services sectors have been especially attractive.

Exit Strategy
CRCC evaluates each company in its portfolio for exit opportunities and strives to maintain an investment holding period of three to five years.  During this stage, CRCC seeks to enhance the attractiveness of the companies to the public securities market.

Domestic Development Focus:

In the high tech rush of recent years, some seemingly less glamorous sectors have fallen undeservedly out of favor.  Too much reliance on human resources, claim some private equity sponsors.  Too much uncertainty because of regulatory changes, technological advances, and competitive factors, claim others.

U.S. Department of Labor projects that manufacturing and business services collectively will grow faster than the rest of the U.S. economy.  Furthermore, these sectors are expected to create job growth at a faster pace than all other sectors combined.

CRCC invest and support financing in manufacturing and business services companies. These companies have had to rely on internal cash and bank debt for growth capital.  Now via CRCC business development alliances they can receive the capital they need to:

  • Develop new products
  • Expand physical facilities
  • Enhance sales and marketing capabilities
  • Deploy succession planning strategies  

This is an outline of the CRCC Business Development Plan, which we are certain will lead to the matrix required for underserved Small & Medium Enterprises to become successful in the global economy. The plan is primarily focused on three target groups, which we view to be required catalysts in the economic sustainability of underserved communities.

The first segment of our target  group, we refer to as the aspiring businesses or start up, businesses which have no operations but possess a excellent Business Plan and market  potential.

The second segment are the small businesses which may be identified as businesses which currently have a gross revenue stream ranging  from 100,000 to 5 million usd.

The third segment of our market are the mid size businesses  which have annual revenue generation between 5 to 50 million usd.

Presently we identify these groups in general to be deficient in the following areas: management expertise, accounting and legal services, and most importantly unparallel lack of access to business start up and growth capital compared to their counterparts. These realities cause the local underserved small to midsize business community to be non competitive, and more importantly unable to contribute more favorably to the urban economy, which should be their base. 

Through the Main Street Business Resource Development Group, the CRCC Business Development Plan addresses the SMEs challenges by offering the services and products required to start, maintain, and grow a business. The businesses that participate in the CRCC Business Development Plan will receive the following:

A. Access to management expertise and consultant services.

B. Access to accounting and legal services.

C. If qualified - Guaranteed business loans up to 250,000, special cases up to 500,000 to initiate approved business plan supported through their local financial institutions backed by Main Street Guarantees.

These three components will assist to ensure a proper success platform SMEs and allow us to build a foundation for the development of the local urban economy.

Africa & Offshore Business & Community Development:

Africa & US Offshore Islands are the primary investment focus of CRCC Capital Investment, LLC. Each country on the continent has it's own unique investment strategy. However every country has what we refer to as capacity building models where we invest in the following sectors:

1. Core Infrastructure and Industrial agriculture and food systems

2. Health Care (national) medicine production facilities

3. Education all levels    

4. Housing

5. General investment IE (manufacturing facilities, call centers, processing centers for commodities) oil refinery to add value to crude etc.

Within our program each country participate through a structured Trust and Steering Committee. The Steering Committee provides input and approves disbursements for infrastructure projects like Roads, power plants, transportation, sewage systems. etc on behalf of these countries.

Contact Robert E. Burgess, President
Norwalk CT 06854
(860) 286-8100 Fax (321) 238-7334

Ron Dunson, Chairman
Capitol Region Chamber of Commerce
Bloomfield, CT 06002 USA
(860) 286-8100 Fax (321) 238-7334